Happy 2014!

We're bursting with confetti & champagne bubbles to share our exciting upcoming projects with you. It's true that we are not planning on doing anything in full Coyote Grace triumphant trio form, but don't be disheartened -- your favorite band (that's us) IS most definitely still a BAND. Don't believe the hype. We all just need a good chunk of time off the road to rest and explore more homebound dreams and collaborations. Speaking of which, here's the good-lookin' that we got cookin' for 2014:

JOE is still smiling ear-to-ear with gratitude about the successful GoFundMe project that afforded him the new gear to record his first SOLO ALBUM! Thanks again to everyone who chipped in to make that dream possible. He's already hunkered down in his studio, writing a bunch of new songs. He will also be collaborating with other local musician friends on their projects as well. So, keep your ears peeled! Also, Joe is now the musical liaison for Sacramento's MyStudio Gallery, a cool artist space that is also involved with 2nd Saturday artwalk in the midtown district. 

Also, Joe is still offering beginning/intermediate level Banjo and Guitar Lessons via Skype. Email Joe for more information and availability:  joe@coyotegrace.com

INGRID is happily nesting in Berkeley, all abuzz with good news: Ingrid & Tylan are now engaged! Wedding date TBA. Meanwhile, Ingrid is participating in a really cool songwriting project called Real Women Real Songs, where she will be writing one NEW song every week in 2014 -- that's 52 new Ingrid songs by the year's end! She is joined by other awesome songwriters including Lucy Wainwright RocheEllisTracy GrammerTylan, and the mistress-mind behind it all, Cary Cooper. The best part - YOU can subscribe to the RWRS YouTube station and watch 22 new songs every week for FREE! Check it out:

RealWomenRealSongs Project:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CyQJNXGO4k
Ingrid's Intro Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=323477pWqsE

Since Ingrid & Tylan won't be touring much this year, they will be doing regular StageIt shows - live from their living room to yours!  All shows are pay-what-you-want and will be featuring both of their NEW songs from RWRS and also your favorite oldies. Their next online show is NEXT THURSDAY, JAN 30th. **and** This time, they will be doing an EXTRA show for folks in the UK & Europe (8pm GMT), so folkies across the pond don't have to be left out of the living room fun. This definitely cuts down on airfare. :)  Get your tickets now:  http://www.stageit.com/tylanmusic

MICHAEL has a huge new project that is launching THIS FRIDAY -- it's a TV Station!! Well... kinda. It's called The Roots Channel. It's like Hulu (without commercials!) for the Roots/Acoustic music community, except most of the money from subscriptions go directly to the artists. Programming will feature full-length concerts, broadcast live and archived for on-demand viewing, spanning roots genres from around the globe, as well as artist interviews, featurettes, and documentaries. The Roots Channel will also offer educational content - workshops and how-tos covering music as well as urban farming, crafting, and DIY skills. Find out more about The Roots Channel HERE

Stay tuned to the Coyote Grace station for more updates on all the following projects and fun little surprises from each of us.  We are so grateful to have you as part of our great big folk family, and we look forward to seeing you out on the road again someday AND in all these new fun places in the meantime. Till then, take good care of yourself and let 2014 be your raddest year yet!

Love, Kisses, & Party Horns,
The Coyote Crew